About us
We integrate computational power and biological data to discover life-transforming RNAi medicines.
At e-therapeutics, we have developed a powerful validated platform approach to help overcome the fundamental obstacles in drug development:
Biology... there is a limited understanding of human biology across the biopharma industry
Druggability... conventional modalities are often challenged by an inability to design and develop a drug despite having indentified a potential target
Efficiency... the R&D process is slow and expensive with poor methods of de-risking therapeutic hypotheses early
Novelty... new target discovery remains rare, with crowded competitive landscapes around same established targets
Where biotech meets tech
By uniquely connecting the worlds of computation and RNA interference we can rapidly generate and prosecute potential novel drug candidates in a reproducible and translatable way.
We strive to address the lack of biological understanding to unlock key unmet medical needs.
Biological complexity remains the big challenge in drug discovery and development. We are progressing a pipeline of first-in-class preclinical GalNAc-siRNA candidates which target novel genes identified by HepNetTM, our computational platform. GalOmicTM, our proprietary RNAi platform, enables targeted delivery to hepatocytes and the specific silencing of novel disease-associated genes.

Working at e-therapeutics offers the opportunity to make a difference by discovering life-transforming RNAi medicines in a new way.
Please see the link below for our current vacancies and to get in touch.